VVA’s 2nd graders are off to a great start this year! In this first month of school we have been reviewing our phonics sounds, improving our reading, and learning how to become better writers. If you were to write about your favorite food or animal, how you describe it? Come visit our classroom and see what our students have to say!
Our Math studies have us learning about patterns in new shapes like trapezoids, hexagons, and parallelograms, as well as patterns found in even and odd numbers. Science class has us exploring what it means to be a scientist. Did you know that we are all scientists as we observe, discover, and write down what we are learning from what we see in God’s creations?
The 2nd graders have especially enjoyed learning about animals in their habitats and beautiful creatures like butterflies. We like to draw, write, and do experiments about what we are learning.
History has been a fun subject to study. Our eyes are being opened to the world as we learn what it was like to live in Ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia and Egypt. When we compare those people and places with our own lives, we can see many differences and similarities.