In 6th grade history, we’ve learned about a lot of interesting people. We’ve talked about the important things they’ve done and how they’ve shaped our world’s history. However, it’s hard to really understand a person when you just look at one part of their life, so this week we’ve decided to dig a little deeper into the people that we’re studying. We just finished learning about the Great Depression that occurred in the 1930’s in the US, and this week we’re learning about the two presidents who were in office during that time, Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt. We’re researching in books and on the Internet, trying to find as much information as we can to give us full pictures of their lives. Asher says, “Learning all this new information about the presidents helps us know more about what they were like, and that helps us know why they did what they did as presidents.” We’ve combined our English and History classes together into one class this week, so that we can use what we’re learning in History class to write biographies about the presidents in English class. It’s been fun to use what we’re learning in two separate subjects for one big project!
~ Sarah Wheeler